
sad sack



sad sack为短语/超纲词汇
1. But he would have to be careful not to offend Crass, the foreman, who could give him the sack at any time.

2. What I saw made me very sad.

3. The death of his devoted friend made him sad.

4. That´s nonsense.Without money, I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once.

5. The sack split and the rice poured out.
    口袋裂开了, 大米撒出来了.

6. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.
    不无遗憾的是, 我们中的大部分人,生来就只吃某几种食品,而且一辈子都这样。

7. The next day the Miller came and asked Hans to carry a sack of flour to the market and sell it for him.

8. The day of the ball drew near, and Madame Loisel seemed sad, restless, anxious.

9. These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of "sad faces" and "happy faces" to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS.

10. Turning those pages and studying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current that, like Blake's Thames, seems to "mark in every face, marks of weakness, marks of woe."
    一张张翻看并研读这些照片,仿佛漂流在一条让人伤心的河流上,就像身处英国诗人布莱克笔下的泰晤士河畔,似乎 "看见每一个过往行人都是满脸饥色,满脸愁苦。"
